Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Acai Berry and Business

It was just over three years ago when I was in Seattle and walking through a Barnes and Noble bookstore put me in front of The Perricone Promise. Always looking for new motivation for getting healthy - I have learned my lesson, it isn't about losing weight, it is about being healthy; typically when you choose to have better health, if you need weight loss that comes with it - I am pretty open to exploring new ideas and material.

To say the least, I purchased that book and started reading it over a hamburger and fries, not being able to finish my meal. I quickly started to learn some wonderful things about sugar, and enriched bread and white flour and all kinds of things about how I am killing myself. "Okay", I thought to myself, "I know I shouldn't eat some of those things", which isn't anything new in a health book. I can go down this road of what I shouldn't do, but that really hasn't worked yet, so I asked the question,"What should I eat?"

Sifting through the book while grabbing a couple more fries and dipping them into the ketchup, I ran into what this expert has to say about good things to take into my body (after all, I am an Olympian when it comes to being able to take things into my body). The ACAI BERRY - what? I had never heard of this berry, in fact I said it wrong for months - I wanted to make the "c" sound like a "k" instead of an "s".

Went to the natural food store down the street, only to find that you can't actually get the berry here in the US and they didn't have a different form to delivery to me. After all, I found out, the berry grew in Brazil and would spoil if transported to a produce market here in the US.

With that I left it alone, realizing that I would have to do some digging when I got to another obscure little health food store in some other city. No dice!

Until I came across the unique opportunity to distribute the berry itself in a juice form. For anybody who has read enough about the berry to be educated to the fact that it is not just good for you, it is a food that sets itself apart from any other fruit or vegitable out there. From benefits to ORAC score, to the natural (no side affects) absorbancy of rich cellular health and the cleansing effects for each of us. To be able to not only educate, but to distribute as an independent franchise is a no-nonsense approach to anybody who is trying to make a big business or even just a car payment through a viable product that really has no parallel.

If you have never explored network marketing, look for a few more posts coming in the next couple days as I try to couple the acai berry with a rich opportunity.

Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to try this Acai berry out, can someone maybe tell me what would be the best place to take this??