Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Articles on The Acai Berry

So how real are the benefits of the Acai Berry?

In researching what has actually be tested and tried with the Acai berry to date I came across a very well written article on Among the several that I have read I found this article to be the most friendly to my ability to understand, although I found many positive results (for example the high absorbancy of the acai berry in the human body, essentially passing very little which could be concluded that the berry is very conducive to the bodies intestinal absorption and breakdown process - see this article)

The acticle titled

Antioxidant capacity and other bioactivities of the freeze-dried Amazonian palm berry, Euterpe oleraceae mart. (acai)

This article has this statement which I think is so powerful to somebody trying to learn more or try out the benefits of what so many authoritative people have said about the berry's power on the human body.

"(the acai berry has) an extremely high scavenging capacity (and is) by far the highest of any fruit or vegetable tested to date"

Check out the article.

To try the Acai Berry, Click Here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only say that it makes me feel a lot better after trying it for only a few weeks. KSL