Monday, November 10, 2008

Benefits of the Acai Berry

With any product that has a lot of public talk about physical health benefits and dramatic impact and changes, many are cautious and wonder not just how real those benefits really are, but we also wonder if we will have a similar experience and be able to see and feel the changes we hope to have . . . even if we are just seeking a preventative result.

Dr. Oz (famous for his Oprah appearances) is ready to introduce a new entry to his hall of fame—the acai (pronounced "AH-sigh-EE"), a small fruit from South American rainforests that is often found in the United States in juice. "It has twice the antioxidant content as a blueberry, so it's a wonderful alternative," Dr. Oz says. "Look at the food label and make sure they don't have too many carbohydrates in there. It's available in all major stores now. It's just sort of breaking through."

Dr. Oz says you should eat about five servings of antioxidant-rich foods a day.

The prominent research on the acai berry has has been done by Dr. Schauss, who has acknowledged and is readily associated with MonaVie. Now whether you like or dislike MonaVie, the benefits of the acai berry has to be considered for w

hat they are. This can be seen by comparing the benefits to truth. Whether we like the truth or not, it doesn't change it, and so it is with the acai berry and its benefits - whether we like them or not, if that is what you receive by consuming them, you can't deny them.

So what are the acknowledged benefits of the acai berry (yes, even in MonaVie - which I personally love and drink everyday - check out

1. Acai’s high Protein levels, which are actually higher than the protein in an Egg, make it an ideal food source for protein in your diet. Usually protein comes with high levels of cholesterol, so simply replacing your morning Egg or Ham with equal weights of fresh Acai pulp is a very effective way to lower your cholesterol and still get enough protein.

2. Acai’s Antioxidant spectrum includes more different Types of Antioxidents than any other known food source. Let’s face it, no single antioxident will allow you to live forever. The hope is now that a regular intake of ALL antioxident types will give your body the best chance to slow or even stop the ageing process. If there is any food likely to prevent serious illness like Cancer, the Acai’s vast antioxidant spectrum is like a big, bright, purple beacon.

3. Specifically, Acai’s Anthocyanins (30 times the amount found in red grapes) are the most efficent way to ingest anthocyanins known to date. If you believe that the French Paradox is caused by Anthocyanins, as most nutritional scientists do, then this is a very important acai benefit to consider.

4. Acai’s mineral Spectrum is also as complete if not more complete than any other single food source. It is probably true that you can’t survive your entire lifetime on any one food source, but Acai comes the closest with traces of every beneficial mineral known to mankind.

5. Acai’s Trace Elements are some of the most complete ever seen, both on the Macro and Micro scales. Dr. Schauss’s study was very explicit on this part of the testing, testing down as far as 2 parts per billion! They said that it was very challenging cataloging all of the different trace elements, and they beleive it has the most on record of any single food source as well.

6. Many other random Acai Benefits: High levels of glucosamine and other important nutrients round out this all-perfect food

(These benefits found in referring article on

Supporting scientific papers should be studied to verify the said benefits. Once confirmed in your own logic, start taking the berry - it really can change how you feel. I love that Dr. Perricone calls the Acai Berry the Energy Fruit. It is so true!

  1. Schauss AG. Acai (Euterpe oleracea): An Extraordinary Antioxidant-Rich Palm Fruit. Biosocial Publications: Tacoma, 2006.
    (His book on Acai, 1st printing, out of date.)

  2. Schauss AG, Wu, X, Prior RL, Ou B, Patel D, Huang D and Kababick JP. Phytochemical and nutrient composition of the freeze-dried Amazonian palm berry, Euterpe oleraceae Mart. (Acai). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006: 54(22); 8598-8603.

  3. Schauss AG, Wu X, Prior RL, Ou B, Huang D, Owens J, Agarwal A, Jensen GS, Hart AN and Shanbrom E. Antioxidant capacity and other bioactivities of the freeze-dried Amazonian palm berry, Euterpe oleraceae Mart. (Acai). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006: 54(22); 8604-8610.

  4. Schauss AG. Acai (Euterpe oleracea): An Extraordinary Antioxidant-Rich Palm Fruit, Second Edition. Biosocial Publications: Tacoma, 2006.
    (His book on Acai, $9.99 at Amazon)

  5. Schauss AG, Ou B, Wu X. High radical oxygen scavenging (ROS) and antioxidant activity in freeze-dried Euterpe oleracea (OptiAcai) palm fruit pulp. [abstract] FASEB J, 2006; 20(4): A145.

  6. Bank, G. and Schauss, AG. Antioxidant testing: an ORAC update. Nutraceuticals World, 2004, 7(3): 68-71.

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