Friday, October 24, 2008

ORAC Scores, Antioxidants and Free Radicals -

There is a lot of talk around antioxidants and how fruits, vegetables and legumes compare to each other in their ability to fight negative effects free radicals, which in layman terms is what negatively effects the healthy cell structure and leads to many different issues for maintaining strong general health and eventually can lead to poorer conditions.

Free radicals the are what antioxidants fight. An understanding of free radicals is that they cause or are a main part of the oxidizing process that a body goes through in the breakdown of cells. A good example of this is what happens when you cut open an apple and leave the inside exposed. We all know that eventually the inside begins to brown as it is exposed to elements which will eventually completely breakdown the apple. This process is an oxidation process that is natural and normal to the degree that there are elements that cause change in us and the environment around us.

Now with that said, as humans we are not only exposed to the "elements" like the apple; exposed to oxidation and thus the breaking down or damaging of our bodies by free radicals. Our bodies are remarkable and we are able to rebuild our bodies, however with time and age the ability to maintain or keep up with the breakdown because unrealistic. Add to this the affects of stress, high impact exercise, unhealthy eating habits, etc and the affects that damage the body are magnified.

All of this creates the simple but clear understanding that aiding the protection from and reduction of oxidation by/through free radicals is essential. So if we need antioxidants to aid us in this process, what is the best source of antioxidants?

The Acai berry has been show to be such high levels of antioxidants in small service that the daily repetition of consuming the acai berry in an easy, realistic and optimal form must directly assist in getting each one of us to a place where we are achieving our best defense against oxidation.

Currently, finding a fresh berry itself in the US can be extremely challenge; since it only grows in Brazil. A liquid form of the berry through the Mona Vie product is something I have found to be an ideal solution to traveling to Brazil daily/weekly - although I wouldn't mind. I have found some very valuable information on and a way to get the berry in juice form with ease. It costs about $35 a bottle retail, however there are ways to get it for less. It can last several weeks, which is relatively inexpensive when you consider how much fruit costs these days.

Check it out.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What is the Acai Berry?

There is a ton of talk around the Acai Berry - it is on Oprah and I have read that there is the phytonutrient benefit of 13 servings of fruit in as little as 4 ounces of the juice.

I think that is amazing, since I don't think I eat 2 servings of fruit in any given day.

Looking up the acai berry on wikipedia there are words bigger than I understand, but the antioxidant levels and activity in fighting specific free radicals clearly has a science behind it.

Any comments or thoughts on what you have read, seen, experienced, etc?